We all have had those moments where we wish we could have a "do-over" and change the outcome of the moment. Ahh yes, you know what I mean.....that moment in time when you were the sole focus of everyones attention, your moment to shine, that critical moment when its your turn to show everyone what your made of....and you BLOW it. Yeah...you know what I mean...those Embarrassing moments stick with us our whole life. What we learn from them is why its so important that we all have them? I think they are crucial to us becoming who we are. I don't know of anyone who has not had them and we all remember them vividly. I know I hate it when I get embarrassed, my face turns red and the warmness of my body turns to 110 degrees in a split second. I wanna just shrink to nothingness and disappear. Sometimes I can just black it out from my memory and just pretend it didn't happen. And some are just to damn funny to forget. I have one of each I will share, One Funny and one not so funny.
E-Moment #1 (Not so funny)
Here's one where I literally just wanted to turn back time and have a do-over. I was asked to sing in a wedding for a couple that I went to school with. They asked if I would sing "We've Only Just Begun" by "The Carpenters". Of course I said yes...I was 19 years old and was this up and coming rock star (well in my mind I was) This was a popular couple and there would be lots of people from my High school there to hear me. Well, I was correct, lots of friends there and they had a great turn out for their wedding day. I get up to sing and the music plays...(so far so good) I start singing on cue the 1st verse. (No Problems yet) Just as I finish the chorus my mind immediately begins to think of the 2nd verse. Ahhhh...Shit !! What is it? What is it? I don't know....My mind went completely blank. All eyes were on me and awaiting the rest of the song and all I could give them was this dumb ass look that I am sure was on my face. So I just stood there while the music played... and stood there...and stood there. You get the picture? I was soo embarrassed I couldn't think and could have cried right there (If I was a crier...which I'm not...just saying). It seemed like a lifetime of waiting until the chorus came back around and I was able to join back in and start singing again.
I am embarrassed just now because I am re-living it in my brain. Ughhh But I will tell you one thing...It was the last time that I ever forgot words to a song during a performance. One other note ...they ended up getting a divorce so it was just a omen really. :)
E-Moment #2 (Funny)
I was working 3rd shift and had to go in at 8:00pm. So I was unable to attend my daughters Christmas Concert this particular evening. I had just woke up and was sitting in the living room while Kim and the kids were getting ready for the concert. I get kisses as they walk out the door. I tell Taylor good luck and off they go. I close the door and walk back to my coffee where I had left it. I sit down in my comfy chair and was about to enjoy the peace and quiet with just my coffee and me, when I looked over on the sofa and noticed Taylor's Oboe. "Oh my God...Taylor forgot her Oboe" ! I quickly grab it and rush out the door in my pajamas. "Oh they are going to Love me for this one" I said to myself. The car was backing out the driveway and was turning onto the road..."They are not going to see me" I thought..."quick do something Ian"....I immediately yelled and began to run across the snow cover yard holding the Oboe above my head and shouting at the them to stop. I was almost to the car...the only thing that separated us was the ditch that I didn't really notice until I was lying face first in it. Yeah....I wasn't really looking at where I was running and landed face down in the ditch with my left arm still holding up the oboe.(I paid big bucks for that thing, I had to save it.:) I still couldn't see if they had noticed me or not but the car wasn't moving forward so that was a good thing, I look up at the vehicle (still holding the oboe up) and I see the window start to roll down. Its what my daughter said to me next that would become my most embarrassing moment.
E-Moment #1 (Not so funny)

I am embarrassed just now because I am re-living it in my brain. Ughhh But I will tell you one thing...It was the last time that I ever forgot words to a song during a performance. One other note ...they ended up getting a divorce so it was just a omen really. :)
E-Moment #2 (Funny)

Taylor sticks her head out the window and says "Its a Choir Concert Dad"
Although I think that is pretty funny too...I have yet to find the lesson I learned from it. : )
But I do believe things happen for a reason...maybe that happened just so we could all have a good laugh over it.
Although I think that is pretty funny too...I have yet to find the lesson I learned from it. : )
But I do believe things happen for a reason...maybe that happened just so we could all have a good laugh over it.
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