Monday, January 10, 2011

Things that make me go HA

So I have not blogged in a while...why you ask? Well.... its funny you ask. In my last blog I said that I would start working out "tomorrow"....that was a week ago and I still have not worked out, well not really worked out. My wife and I made a splurge purchase this weekend and bought a Xbox 360. We go into Best Buy store planning on buying a 60 dollar antenna for the TV set. We walked out with 939 dollars worth of gaming equipment. (although that is enough to make you sweat...its not the workout I had in mind) Everytime you make a high dollar purchase you should always have a justification for the purchase, right? We justified this purchase based on the fact that it has the Kinect software. Thats right, its the game that lets you move without holding anything. No more holding your wi while you play. (as opposed to wiwi) Now, there is no reason to not work out with this hi tech garb, right? Riiiiiiiight.  The games you play on here is better than least I am not sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing with my body. (Did you catch that justification?) At least I am moving and burning some calories. (Another justification) And they even have Biggest Loser workout. (Trifecta) No wonder we bought it...this thing will shape us up in no time. :) Did we forget anything.?  Oh yes...totally forgot about one thing. Motivation! You still have to get your butt up and play the games when you dont feel like it, Or when your tired and you just feel like laying down on the couch and watching a movie.  Yeah...totally forgot about that one. So along with this fantastic game and workout videos we purchased, we also bought the Gold Card upgrade which allows us to watch Netflix  movies, or ESPN sports games. It even gave me a free download (I know...Free?) well thats how they promoted it anyways. So now...not only can I play games instead of working out...I can now watch movies for free while I am not working out. We shall see how this goes in the next few days. HaHa

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