We all know how important pets are to the people who own them. In this Blog I wanted to introduce to you mine. Some are my best friends...and then theres the others who are not. They all have ranking numbers as to where they are at on the list . Is it wrong that I have my pets ranked? I think we all have rankings not just with our pets but also with our friends and even family. (Dont confuse this list with the rank in which I love them) This is just a list as to where they reside on my liking list and it could change daily. I love all my pets but I like them all differently.Same with my friends and family...I Love them all dearly...but I Like them all differently too.
He sleeps in between us at bedtime and although it can be a hindrance or distraction on certain nights
(If you know what I mean),
On the other nights its nice to feel his warmness next to my body. (Now...If I could just get him to scratch my back :) He doesn't always curl up and spoon with me , sometimes he just sprawls out like its his own space and I can feel him start pushing me out of his area with his paws.
He loves to go on walks but eating is his specialty (no wonder were best buds). He can devour his food in 2.6 seconds (I like to think of that as a Guinness Book record for Dogs) He only barks when a car or truck drives by. Thank god we live in a quiet neighborhood. He can play until his fat little body cant take anymore....Ive only taken him to that limit once...usually I give up before he does. All in all...he is faithfull dog (except when he doesn't come to me when I call him ...which is all the time ) Rico was actually my daughter Timberlys dog and we inherited him when she went off to college...I always teased her that she abandoned him and now he is my dog. (worked for my justification) Therefore he is mine....and thats why he is numboro uno. Mans best friend, and for some odd reason this dumb dog is just that.
Romeo (aka Boom Boom) Ranked #2
Romeo is the smart one and the cutest one....then why isn't he number 1 you ask? Well...the only reason he isn't is because I cant claim him as mine. He is my eldest daughters dog and she is the one who raised him and her and my wife taught him all his tricks that he does so well. He is a Pomeranian, which are usually smart dogs anyway and he has lived up to that name for sure. He is also number 2 because I get to pay his grooming bill every 2 months. Its either that or have to cut the poop off his butt when his hair gets to long.
Simon is the Fat Cat(not really but he looks the fattest because of his long fur) He doesn't really have much of a personality. And I am not sure why, but maybe being called fat all the time has lowered his self esteem or something I don't know. But he doesn't do anything special He is not a Lover cat but he does like to be brushed. He just sits there and looks handsome.
He is just a really cute looking fat cat. He acts fat too...he doesn't jump up to the counter to be fed like the others...we have to lift him up, and he doesn't run away from Geeko Boy. I think because he cant run very fast (which I can relate to).
So now we are into the mean cat. He will be really really nice to you while he is on you and your petting him. But I hope you don't have to get up for any reason because he doesn't like it when you stop petting him and is not afraid to let you know it. He only bit me once....(yes he knows now that it wasn't a very smart move on his part) but he has never done it again (smart Cat) He is a very handsome looking cat and is also the only cat that we didn't buy. (and worth every penny) He was found down the road and my youngest daughter and her Friend brought him home. How come cats are so darn cute as kittens...It was hard for me to resist back then. Now that I have had cats for a long time, I find it alot easier to just look the other way and walk on by. He is the youngest of the cats and as of late he has been really nice. So in the next few months if Simon doesn't pick up some form of personality and Berries keeps up his lovin ways...he could just move up on the Ranking order.
Noah (aka The Vocal One or Bird Killer) Ranked #6
Noah is the oldest cat we have and is like the redheaded step child with freckles.(who was adopted)
He is the one to tell you with his "meow "sound that only he can make,that its time you get up and put some food in all of our dishes...NOW. Most cats take the hint that your sleeping when you give them the cold shoulder, But Noah? Nooooo, He wont stop until you either do it or scare him out of the room And by that time you are awake anyway and get up and do it .(I'm getting annoyed just thinking about it) . He does play the mother role to all the other cats, so I can only assume that amongst themselves, they have their own pecking order and since he is oldest...he is not only the speaker of the house, he is also personal trainer for all the cats needs. He has the golden eyes which I find a little creepy. But heres the real kicker...He is also the one who killed my daughters little bird so really he is lucky to be even in my house and not locked up in the Cat Jail somewhere in a cell with a Bruiser cat named Toby. I don't think that Bruiser would put up with his mouth.
Chico (aka The Grandbirdy ) Not Ranked
My daughters ask me this question once: "Dad, if we were all drowning and you could only save one of us, who would it be ?" Hmmm....I contemplated before I answered but I said. "Neither one of you, "Daaaad", you have to choose one or the other", my oldest daughter replied.
I told her "ok I will choose someone"..."I choose your mother". You can only imagine the looks on their faces when that answer sunk in. There are reasons for why I said I would save their mother over one of them but again...we all have a ranking order whether we choose to recognize it or not. I remember asking that same question to my wife and I distinctly remember her answer, she said "I am not going to answer that stupid question". (once again...Daddy looks like the bad guy because he answered truthfully and let his kids drown while Mom has chosen to take the fifth.) I may reconsider my answer I told them now.....But in all honesty, I think we should all know our pecking order. Even our pets should know theirs so here it is (My pecking order for them)
Rico (aka Geeko Boy) Ranked #1
He is a puggle (part pug, part Beagle)and he is mine. (I claim him but so does everybody else) He is the dumb one amongst the dogs but his handsome face makes up for his dumbness. (Most of it anyways.) He does do a few tricks but they are usually not as well executed as the other dogs tricks. What he does do very good is snuggle. He sleeps in between us at bedtime and although it can be a hindrance or distraction on certain nights
(If you know what I mean),
On the other nights its nice to feel his warmness next to my body. (Now...If I could just get him to scratch my back :) He doesn't always curl up and spoon with me , sometimes he just sprawls out like its his own space and I can feel him start pushing me out of his area with his paws.
He loves to go on walks but eating is his specialty (no wonder were best buds). He can devour his food in 2.6 seconds (I like to think of that as a Guinness Book record for Dogs) He only barks when a car or truck drives by. Thank god we live in a quiet neighborhood. He can play until his fat little body cant take anymore....Ive only taken him to that limit once...usually I give up before he does. All in all...he is faithfull dog (except when he doesn't come to me when I call him ...which is all the time ) Rico was actually my daughter Timberlys dog and we inherited him when she went off to college...I always teased her that she abandoned him and now he is my dog. (worked for my justification) Therefore he is mine....and thats why he is numboro uno. Mans best friend, and for some odd reason this dumb dog is just that.
Romeo (aka Boom Boom) Ranked #2

Ewww, Hells to the NO. I'll pay, I'll pay. He gets treated like royalty around the house too. He gets picked, up and put down from every piece of furniture in the house, including the bed when he needs to go potty at 3am. But his worst habit is barking when someone comes in the house. Yip Yip Yip Yip...The little bastard just wont shut up.
So yeah...he is a solid number 2 in my book. And he should be thankful that I don't have another dog, because he could slip to a lower rank on the list.
Timothy (aka Tim Tims) Ranked #3
Now we are into the cats, and ranking up top is my very own Tim Tims. He is the only cat that I claim as mine....and there are days when I deny that I own any of them at all. Tim is a beautiful looking cat and is one of the most lovable ones we have. He never starts any trouble and just goes with the flow so to speak. I taught him when he was a kitten to lick my lips (with the aid of a strawberry shake) and he has been my favorite since that time forward, Now he is the only cat who will come up and lick you when he wants some lovins. I am teaching him to not lick as much because those cat tongues are hell on your face. He is such a lover boy that I have to turn him away sometimes because he will always wants to get in my face for some lovins when I feel like being left alone. But he always comes back another day for more.
He is just a really cute looking fat cat. He acts fat too...he doesn't jump up to the counter to be fed like the others...we have to lift him up, and he doesn't run away from Geeko Boy. I think because he cant run very fast (which I can relate to).
Elijah (aka Berries, aka.. You Little Fucker) Ranked #5

Noah is the oldest cat we have and is like the redheaded step child with freckles.(who was adopted)
He is the one to tell you with his "meow "sound that only he can make,that its time you get up and put some food in all of our dishes...NOW. Most cats take the hint that your sleeping when you give them the cold shoulder, But Noah? Nooooo, He wont stop until you either do it or scare him out of the room And by that time you are awake anyway and get up and do it .(I'm getting annoyed just thinking about it) . He does play the mother role to all the other cats, so I can only assume that amongst themselves, they have their own pecking order and since he is oldest...he is not only the speaker of the house, he is also personal trainer for all the cats needs. He has the golden eyes which I find a little creepy. But heres the real kicker...He is also the one who killed my daughters little bird so really he is lucky to be even in my house and not locked up in the Cat Jail somewhere in a cell with a Bruiser cat named Toby. I don't think that Bruiser would put up with his mouth.
Chico (aka The Grandbirdy ) Not Ranked
I almost forgot....my daughter Taylors Bird..I wont put hims on the ranking pecking order because he doesn't belong to me. But we do watch him a couple weeks at a time.I like to think we have shared custody of him.It took me months to gain this birds trust and it finally paid off one night. And ever since then we have been good buddies. I am totally surprised and how close you have to watch him....if you don't....well lets just say I no longer have a Q button , Delete button and am also missing my F1, F3 and F12 buttons on my laptop. He can destroy just about anything he gets his beak on as fast as Rico can eat his food. My wife absolutely loves this bird , She calls it our "grand birdie" if that tells you anything.
Me? I call it "The Partridge in the Pear Tree." :)
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