I met Kim in High school when I was a sophomore. She was a cheerleader and was making posters for the basketball game coming on that Friday with her sister. Kim has a identical twin sister named Kelly (very identical) Well, myself and my Best friend Paul and the rest of the wrestling team were running in the halls as we normally did, when we ran by these hot looking chicks. I had seen them from a distance before but they didn't really interest me...you know being freshmen and all. :) But once we started flirting with them...that changed...a lot!!!
I immediately fell in Love with both their smiles and personalities.It was love at first site! But wait.... it couldn't be that much of a story book romance right? Well it wasn't...Kim started going out with Paul, and I started going out with Kelly a while later. And after awhile when Kelly wouldn't "put out" (sorry Kelly) , we broke off that short lived relationship. Kim and Paul continued their dysfunctional relationship for a few months later and finally that came to an end as well. They fought alot and Kim would always get mad at me because I would have Paul's attention more than she wanted me to. lol
I was consoling her one evening after they broke it off, and she was sitting in my car at Hadley elementary school parking lot (not sure why we ended up there...but I think it was because I was trying to take advantage of her...um condition)(What can I say...hormones was running wild at this time in my life) So that's where I first kissed her and that was when she also told me that she was still in Love with Paul...OK so after that stellar announcement, me and my hormones took her and dropped her off home.
After playing hard to get...which only lasted about a week...because she finally came to her senses...lol We started dating and only broke up a few.....

So I know you are wondering...Well how did you propose to her Ian? Truth is...I didn't. She pretty much proposed to me. Here's how it went down. I had just got a job working 3rd shift at the same factory that I am still employed at. I had only been working for a couple months and was still adjusting having to sleep during the sunlit hours of the day. I had needed new work boots and being the good girlfriend that Kim was....she offered to go buy some for me if I gave her some money to do so. I gave her sixty bucks and off she went. I was sleeping when she came back and walked in my room. I woke up but still a little groggy when she smiled and told me what she had used my sixty bucks for. Even today when Kim buys something that she really shouldn't have she always starts out the conversation with this statement: "You aren't going to believe what I bought". Nowadays...I just answer..."Oh Yes I will".... but at the time I just answered...."Boots I hope". Smiling, she told me "No", but she had put a down payment on a wedding dress. Huh? And being in the groggy state that I was in...all I said was....So, what? Were getting married then? And that my friends...goes down in history as the worst proposal ever!! And whenever I get the chance...I always throw this line out : "Hey Kim...have you seen my work boots?....Oh that's right ... I never got any"
But in the overall scheme of things...who really cares how we got married...the more important thing is we did. It changed my life for the better and I still cherish the fact that we are still together. Being married for a long period of time is never an easy journey. And without the ability to forgive and forget...it will never work.(and yes...I have tested her many times on those ability's). I am so fortunate to have her in my life. Seriously...I don't think I could find a better wife, mother or friend. The amount of Love that Kim has inside her is nothing short of inspiring to me. She cares for me when I'm ill, she works her tail off at work and at home. She cared for my children. She also knows what I like, and what I dislike And most of all... she Loves me. Lil ole Me!! She is the one person who I know who will care for me when I cant care for myself. (in a few more years of course) She tells me whats on her mind (even if I don't want to hear it) But she is always honest and sincere.
So when I pray every night...I always thank God for Kim. Without her...I am confident that my life would not have turned out so blessed as it is today. Aside from God...She is my Rock! Her Love does not falter (yet anyways), I look forward to coming home each day, mainly because I know what I am coming home to each day.,..a beautiful, loving and very blessed wife. I Love You Kim!!!!
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