I did it!! I did the10 mile
I am not a runner...never was...and most likely...never will be. I cannot think of one good reason why I chose a 10 mile run to be my "scratch that of the bucket list" goal. Do I like misery that much that I have to set goals like that to obtain it? Why couldn’t I have picked "finishing cleaning the garage" or the "Paint the house" type of goal vs. this one? I could have enjoyed the mental misery just as much. But oh no....I decided that physical misery would suit me just fine this time.
Ready to get this thing started. |
(Note to self...Don’t ever buy Black shorts again) (Please dont think that I was stupid enough to post any pictures showing any part of my pearly white legs in this Blog ...I am way ahead of you :)
And I was RIGHT !!!! |
After convincing myself that I was going to "bring Sexy back" with my white legs...We were off to the races!! My daughter Taylor ran with me and it was her first time too. She offered me some crackers and cheese before the race......she said "Dad you are going to need some energy so eat it". Although just the thought of it made me want to hurl.... I knew she was right.....I should eat something. "Can’t I just get a Hot Dog at the race?" is what I wanted to ask.
But for the sake of looking like I wasn’t "In it to Win it" ...I ate them.
Race Time...Runners on your mark....(I was all pumped up...with "Eye of the Tiger song playing in my head) Get Set....(Yeah Baby....I doing it....I’m really doing it )Go!!!!!.............................................................................................................................................
7 minutes go by until we actually reach the Start Line (yeah...that many people)...The "Eye of the Tiger" song was over now and all I could think of is ...."What the Hell was I thinking?"
Taylor and I thought we would be better suited to start out walking to give our feeble bodies a chance to warm up. Good call on that one...whew...so far I’m doing well. After about the first 1/2 mile I was feeling really good and suggested that we pick up the pace a bit...so we ran about a 1/4 mile and then walked again. I was still feeling even better when I looked over my shoulder and saw hundreds of people behind us.
Taylor and I continued to do our run/walk thing throughout the whole race. And even after 7 miles...I was still feeling pretty confident of myself and Taylor. In Fact...I must be honest with you...a day or two before the race I had thoughts of Taylor not wanting to finish. I thought to myself..."Did I sign her up for failure?" "Is she going to able to keep up the pace I want to set for myself?" I was even resigned to not finish the race myself if something happened and Taylor couldn’t do it. Ummm well I was a little off on my estimation of her will power. She not only kept up a face pace...she was pushing me as well.
Mile 8...Hey...who put this wall here? I ran smack dab into it! Im talking about that proverbial wall that runners (and now walkers) get when they have reached that certain point while trying to reach super stardom.
My body started to ache and my feet were suddenly on fire. What the Hell was I thinking?
Two more miles Ian...you can do this...You...Must ...push....On... (Said in a voice in extreme pain)...and I did....and when I hit the 9 mile marker...I knew I could do it. Even though Taylor told me...sorry dad...I got to run and took off towards the finish line. Really Taylor? This is not how I envisioned it going...I thought that I was going to have to carry you across the finish line.
In no time she was out of sight and I was left alone...well not quite alone...
The pain in my hips were talking to me ...I heard them say...Not so fast ...Mr." I Think I am a Runner but you’re Not"
"If you think for one minute that you are going to cross that finish line without me introducing you to my friends "Pain in Calves and Lower Back strain" you have another thing coming." He was right...they both said their hello's and were nice enough to stay with me all the way until...oh wait...they are still with me...But I am sure they will be leaving soon. (One can hope anyway)
I saw the finish line...my heart was telling me to run.... so I tried. I think I went about four steps before saying. "Ouch...dang that hurts" I stopped running.
Suddenly I thought..."Wait Ian"..."This is your moment"....You know that moment that you thought you said that you could do if you were ever faced with this type of adversity"? This was it for me. This was my defining Moment...are you a man or a mouse? Well...I did eat cheese this morning... Quit it Ian!
I took off running, blocking out the pain I felt with every stride... I suddenly started to here that song again...It’s the...Eye of the Tiger it’s... (You know the one) ...and at first I thought I would have to stop again....but then I remembered ....Kim would be waiting for me near the finish line...I couldn’t let her see the pain I was in... How embarrassing would that have been? Well...I ran by her but it was still embarrassing because afterwards she said I looked like a wounded Rhinoceros running.
I crossed the Finish Line ...I DID IT!!!! I FINISHED!!! I wanted to scream MEDIC!! But I refrained. Because the thrill of getting my medal made up for all the pain I was feeling. That was my Goal...Finish and get the Medal!! Mission Complete!!!
Taylors Time: 2:26:32
My Time 2:28:49
Whats its all about !!! |
First on the Agenda...Scratch that off my Bucket List.
Showing off our Medals |
Second on my list...Find a masseuse that will work on a Rhinoceros
P.S. We also stopped by Timbers Place after the race to show off our medals...I know she is so Proud!!