This weekend we are going camping and canoeing. I will once again become one with Nature. Roughing it in the wilderness with the bears and coyotes. Oh wait...that's how I envisioned it. But the fact that Kim made me rent a cabin at a lush resort camping facility, tells me it wont be as rugged as I once thought.

You see, I go almost every year to the middle of nowhere for "deer hunting" (That's what I tell Kim anyways) for a week or sometimes even two weeks. I do go hunting...but that's not the purpose for going. I go because I love the outdoors and being alone in the wilderness just excites my senses. I can do whatever I want to do...whenever I want to do it. Sitting in front of a campfire listening to the howls of the nearby coyotes always lets me know that I'm not in Kansas anymore. (Yeah I know I'm from Michigan...but I digress) I can drink as many beers as I dare, fart,scratch my ass,and any other disgusting thing that us men do, and no one will care one iota. (Well, that is assuming nobody is lurking in the bushes.) Knowing that one slip up with my knife or tree stand could leave me stranded in the woods for days or even weeks before someone comes looking for me, It makes everything I do that much more critical and important. If something goes wrong in the field, I must use my mad McGyver skills to rectify the situation. That's why I always wear a belt ,chew gum and carry duct tape. OK, maybe I am over stating that fact that I really enjoy camping by myself. (Work with me...Im trying to paint a picture here.)

The camping trip this weekend will be a little different than I am used to. OK ALOT different. The electricity, toilets that flush, coffee maker, blow dryer and the kitchen sink, are all things I will have to adapt to while roughing it. And did I mention the people...... the hundreds of people? Who will set up their tents and campers ten feet away from my cabin while their kids frolic about the camp sites. Kids? (Note to self....Bring lots of beer) I can see right now that my normal time in the hammock while the Yellow Bellied Warblers sing me into a dreamy sleep, just wont be the same. But hey, I'm a trooper...I will go with the flow...I will rough it out for the sake of happiness. If my family wants to relax at the pool or play mini golf, I will do it with a smile on my face...just for them of course. (you feeling sorry for me yet?) Didn't think so. However I will draw the line if someone starts singing Kumbaya while sitting around the campfire passing around a bottle of wine. C'mon, There is only so much I can take while I'm roughing it. :)
1 comment:
I am beginning to see a theme! I am with Kim. Camping to me is staying at Motel 6.
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