So I had this Bird who was laying on a nest at the end of my driveway earlier this year. I went out to get the mail one day and saw this Killdeer (Not sure of the spelling) and she ran from her nest and started to dance frantically in the middle of the road and I was in awe of what this bird would do in order to keep my attention on her instead of the eggs that she was laying on. She would spin in circles and spread one of her wings out as far as it would span and she would squeal as loud as she could. It was really quite a show. But being the inquisitive man that I am...I wanted to see the eggs. And to no surprise, the mother really didn't want me within the city limits to her eggs. She came darting at me with that sharp beak and then run away when I would move toward her (maybe it was away from her....I do have a tendency to exaggerate my manhood). However...after many many times of checking up on the nest and getting the mail and taking the garbage out...she learned that I was not going harm her or her eggs. She actually let me get pretty close (5 -6 feet) before she would run and do her broken wing dance.
Day after day she would sit on her eggs. Only leaving to get a bite to eat and then returning. Day and night, rain or shine she would sit there keeping her eggs at just the right temperature. I remember looking out the window one day when it was just pouring down rain and I was amazed that she was still there.
It reminded me of what mothers go through for nine months. I have always had this cringe that comes over me when I think of a mother giving birth. I know its a natural blessing that God gave the women to endure. me....its just doesn't seem possible that such a BIG thing should come out of such a small opening. I am so thankful that Kim was such a trooper in the delivery room when both our daughter were born. And I am even more happy I didn't look until the head popped out and my brain only allowed my eyes to focused on the head and not the opening. I remember thinking...OMG shes got a hugh head when Taylor popped out. But at that moment.... my eyes welled up with tears. I was filled with joy and could not have been more
prouder at that moment. When we decided to have another child...I was all for it... for two wanted a son (did it REALLY matter?...NO) but I did want a boy...and I was so convinced that Kim was going to have a boy...I had boy names picked out and was all set on that aspect.In fact I didn't even think about picking out a girls name. And the second reason, was that I was tired of using protection. (Rubbers suck) And the pull out method always ended in a small disappointment. :( So when it came time for the baby to come pulls Timberly out and says...Its a Girl !!! At that moment I cried....I wasn't sure if I was crying because its such a emotional moment or because of the words the doctor said. I think it was a little of both....but both children being born were the two most memorable moments of my life. And the fact that their mother nurtured and cared for these babies for nine months each time so that they are healthy and ready for birth....simply puts me in awe of any mother. Just like the bird who sat on her eggs for 49 days straight...the mother is willing to do anything so that their children can be born. So to all you Mothers out there...I bow to your unselfish, heroic ability to birth children. Even though I cringe at the very thought of all that Pain ....
OUCH (what can I say....I'm a man)
Day after day she would sit on her eggs. Only leaving to get a bite to eat and then returning. Day and night, rain or shine she would sit there keeping her eggs at just the right temperature. I remember looking out the window one day when it was just pouring down rain and I was amazed that she was still there.

OUCH (what can I say....I'm a man)
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