Once you have children, and they grow into mature adults. As a Father you say one of two things to yourself.(depending how your children turned out) You either say "Yeah...I did a good job as a father" or you say..."Damn...Mom fucked up" Luckily I have only had to say option one. But deep in my mind I cant help but question If I was a good father or not. Mainly because I am not sure what a fathers role is. How can I be a good father if I don't know what it is I am supposed to do in order to be one?
There is no check off list like...Did you support and encourage them ... Yes except for the time when she wanted to become a pole dancer So Check on that one , Did you help guide them ...um yes...except for the time when they were in their teenage years and thought they knew everything. (What was I supposed to do?) So Check on that too. You see..If there was just a check system in place so that we could make sure that we as parents didn't forget something that could be crucial to our children becoming responsible adults , it would be so nice.
Some parents just seem to be perfect ..They do everything according to some book that Betty Boob wrote. But what they don't know is why she wrote this book...she wrote it to get away from the kids. The kids were probably driving her crazy and she needed to get away 8 hrs out of the day to regain her sanity. Meanwhile a nanny was raising her own children. (That's just my theory)

I did not do well at changing diapers.
I did not do well at making it to all of their school functions
I did not do well at letting them have the last word
I did not do well at showing my daughters that Husbands should do dishes too.
I did not do well at Listening to them when they had boy trouble
I did not do well at helping them with their homework
Pros (Or things I did do well)
I made sure they always had fun.
I taught them how to laugh at themselves
I made them good debaters
I taught them that education was important
I taught them what a man is really thinking
I taught them how to speak their mind.

Okay...maybe I wasn't a good Father...Maybe I was just one hell of a Dad. :)
Oh Ianstein. . . I couldn't have asked for a better Father OR Dad. If you had done anything different then I wouldn't be who I am. And I like who I am :) Okay so you aren't the easiest to put up with at times, but to me it's because we are so much alike. Personally, being a good dad/father isn't necessarily about what you do or don't do, but about your children knowing you love them and are there for them and have their backs. Timber knew you loved her and would have been there for her at the drop of a hat if she needed anything, just like I do. And I wouldn't change that for the world <3
Thanks Taylor, I will always cherish those words.
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