I come from a fairly large family. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers. I am the middle boy. My older brother Dale Jr. is 1 and 3/4 yrs. older than me. By the time my youngest brother Scott came along I was already 10 years mature. What prompted me to write this blog was that I thought about the fact that what makes us who we are has alot to do with our siblings. When I was growing up....I really cant remember a day when Dale was not involved in my daily activites.Not that I dont remember playing house and school with my sisters (which would always end in a fight) :) But my brother and me were almost inseperable. We would play ball, ride bikes, and do all the normal things together that brothers normally do, but there were also special moments that we will always share which make up our brotherhood. Here are a few....
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Dale, Regina and Me |
Monster in the Window.
Boys in one room and girls in another...thats how it was growing up in a three bedroom house with six children. There wasnt to many nights that we didnt get yelled at or threatened to get our butts paddled for being to noisy at night. But this particular night we were actually in our own beds and we were being quiet. Dale and I were in one bed and Scott was in the other bed . There was a window in the middle of the beds.
I was almost to sleep when Scott says:
"Duner" ?(Which was Junior in baby talk)
What? I heard him whisper to Scott.
Can I sleep with you guys? he asks in a very scared voice. No ...Dad says you have to sleep in your own bed, Dale said sternly.
But Im scared.
What are you scared of Scotty? Dale asks.
Scott replies.."The monster in the Window" !!
Knock it off Scotty and go to sleep.
No..I seen a monster in the window really.
Just at that moment we hear this sound coming from outside...It was an unusual sound that got my attention quickly after hearing something about monsters in the window. And I could see that Scotty had sat up in his bed and was ready to flee at the drop of of a pin.Junior had also froze stiff after hearing this strange noise.
Did you hear that Ian? Junior asks
"Its just the wind" I said trying to convince myself.
No I think theres something out there Junior said
"Well look and see" I said as I backed as far away from the window as possible (He was the older one...it was his duty to protect...lol)
Dale starts to move closer to the window
Just as he edges near the window....this giant face appears and makes this loud noise (Play Video Now)
Scott was out of his bed and in our bed before I could even let out a scream. In fact I dont think I did scream because I was too amazed at how fast Scott moved from his bed to ours. I am talking lightening quick folks. I chuckle everytime I think about it. Its one of those moments that you share together and know how funny it actually was because we were there and witnessed what pure adrenelin can do to a kid. :)
Earlier that day my Dad and sister Felice had just moved the fencing for the horses and they attached it to the side of our house. (Yeah...We lived on a 1.99 acre ranch) So who knew they would actually come to the window? We sure didnt.
The Long Walk home

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Boo |
We both made this noise and we were not even sure what we were seeing. When we were done making strange noises and after our bodies unfroze from the scared stiffness we were in...we watched the skunk go on his merry way.
Well we ran the rest of the way home and I was never so glad to be home in my whole life.. We still laugh about it to this day.
The Swing
The swing was just up the dirt road that we lived on. Along the side of the road there are steep banks and of coarse the banks are lined with various different types of trees. The Swing was a Vine that dangled from this tree and we used it to swing out over the road when cars came by. (I know...we were not the smartest kids on the block) But it was fun and we made a fort on top of this bank and we spent many a day at

"Yeah ok...lets do it" we all cheered back. (We were just as dumb as David)
OK on three...One ...Two...Three...
We all swung in what seemed like perfect unison. I had grabbed hold of the bottom of the vine and everyone else either grabbed above me or jumped up way above me to grab ahold of the vine. And out we go....This is so coool......well ....it was cool...until the vine snapped. Swooosh...down to road we crashed.
I landed first and then it was like a domino effect after that with everyone landing on top of me.
It happened so fast it scared everyone...(We were so Lucky that a car was not coming because we were just stupid enough that it may have enticed us to do it at that moment.) I remember we all got up fairly quickly...mainly because of the adreniline rush we all had. Are you ok , Are you ok? We all knew what happened but the magnitude of really happened didnt really hit us until we realized that we no longer had a swing.
"The Swing" as we knew it was no more. Once we relized this, it was no longer a matter of being thankful that we all survived the fall with no injurys....it was OMG we have no more swing. We coulndnt believe it. Our Hearts broke along with the vine that day. A Piece of our childhood was gone. But at least we shared this memory together. Just one more piece of our Brotherhood.
1 comment:
Thank you little brother for the trip down memory lane. I gotta tell you that I laughed so hard, that I was literally bawling my eyes out reading about the horse coming to the window. OMG, I had forgotten all about that one! And the swing! Didn't remember that one either, although to be honest I don't remember taking too many trips out on that swing. The three of you brothers, my little brothers, share a bond that I have found myself at times feeling a little jealous of. I hope that that bond never changes.
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