Monday, June 24, 2013

Zoo Keeper

Free at last....Free at Last....Thank you God...oh wait...never mind. For a moment I actually thought I was Free. You see Kim is on vacation this week in Texas so I am home again babysitting. When she first left I felt this feeling of freedom come over me. And then it hit me ...I wasn't free of anything, in fact, I am now loaded with things to do...and the majority of it is babysitting the animals. How hard is that you might ask? Well let me tell you.
First of all ...all of our animals have needs that must be met....and I am not kidding here.

Ricco- Needs to sit directly on you even though there is ample amount of space next to you for him to lay down. But oh no...on your lap and in your face....its what he needs.  Without it he will paw at you until you recognize him and if you wanna talk about puppy dog eyes...this dog can lay it on thick. And its not just one time....its every place I sit down...he could be sitting on the couch all by himself and I will go and sit in the chair...BAM...its like I am made of food or something, he comes running full stride.
He also needs to be lifted onto our bed. If you get in bed and try to reach your arm down to lift him will find out that you can only do that if you have a "go go gadget arm" or you are a power lifter from Switzerland named Sven. But its just another thing he needs.  (I just thought of something....I wonder if his jumping ability would increase if I had food in bed...hmmm food for thought (get it?) But I digress)
Romeo- He is not to bad really...besides that he needs to be lifted onto any piece of furniture we own. But he is only 15 pounds vs 40 pounds. Here's the thing with him. Ever since we got Tanner, he seems to thinks he owns the couch. Any time Tanner even walks near the couch the growling and barking begins. Its very annoying and I always have to yell at him to be quiet before the noise suppresses. He also cannot have treats unless it is a soft chewable kind. His teeth are not that strong so sometimes I have to chew his food up for him and then give it to him. (Just kidding...I just wanted to see if you were paying attention.) So if the boys gets a treat...I have to find a something special for him. Its just another requirement that he needs. Oh yeah...and he also requires something mixed in with his dry dog food. He seriously wont eat it if you don' about spoiled. The other boys will snarf it up even before the bowl hits the floor.

Tanner- What he needs your full and undivided attention. He's not one year old yet...but I think he skipped it and went right on into the terrible twos. This dog will get into anything and everything. I mean everything...mail, sticks he brings in from outside and chews up until there is one thousand little tooth picks on the floor, books, shoes, Dog food pantry, toilet paper rolls, sun glasses,....and if none of these things are available, he will choose a cat to pick on...doesn't matter which one...any one will do. You can almost read what hes thinking when hes walking around looking for something to play with. Its almost like he is smiling the whole time too.  And if I slip up and leave my coffee cup on the end table....or my water bottle near the edge of the counter top....BAM...hes got it and broke the cup or punctured holes in the water.You have to be on your game. Its a never endless chore babysitting him. But its just what he needs.

Chico Boots (aka Thing Wrecker)
And if you thought tanner was bad...whoa...You cannot let this bird out of your sight. This isn't the type of bird that you just place on a perch and he stays there and sings beautiful songs to you. No...This is a special needs bird that requires every second of your time unless he is in his cage. Its just easier if I tell you what he has wrecked. So here it is...the list "

1) 2 computer cords
2) 1 wooden paper towel rack
3) 24 foot of wooden counter top that goes around our basement stairs.
4) 4 books, two of which were borrowed
5) 100 pens (that's an estimated number...but its probably close)
6) 1 lid to the coffee pot
7) 1 Air cast boot (For Kim's foot)
8) 1 water pic hose
9) 8 keys on my laptop
10) 5 pairs of reading glasses
11) 3 finger nails
12) 1 toe nail
13) 1 Lamp shade

And I am sure I am forgetting a few items.
I have seen puppy's ruin this many things....but were talking about a 8 inch bird here.
Had I listed the things that he ALMOST would have required a whole page by itself.

Now look, I am not blaming the animals for their needs or ability to ruin things in the house. And I am not blaming Kim or myself either for not having eyes in the back of our heads.
I am purely stating the facts here of whats its like in a day at our Zoo. 
I can only tell you that I am much more appreciative of the 3 cats these days than I ever was before. In fact I hardly ever see them except for feeding time.

So you see ...I am not free .I'm in like a wardon watching the jail bird and his accomplices.
But I do hope my wife is enjoying her time away....seeing as she is the one who usually copes with all these critters....she obviously deserves this time away.

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