Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Say What?

Did you hear Miss Utah....I mean...On one hand, I feel so sorry for this women. I am not sure that I can compare anything I have ever done to the type of pressure that these women are put under. I can only think that on the outside she looks all beautiful and composed but on the inside there is this nightmare going on that we cannot see when its question time.  I get that there is a tremendous amount of pressure...but isn't that what you train for?...I mean, don't you get into this pageantry stuff knowing that if you make it all the way up to Miss Universe, that there will be pressure on you to answer with clarity any question that they might throw at you? But it seems like nowadays these women just try to answer like someone they are not. Just be yourselves that to hard to do?

This is something that I could never understand....we are in search for Miss Universe...and what are we really looking for? Are we looking for the biggest, fakest, Bullshitter with a great smile? They all use duct tape to get lift and who really knows how much botox is injected in them, and I would bet many of them all have had some type of implant. Its just so fake to me....just like the answers to all the questions....fake and rehearsed. Why cant we have a pageant where all that stuff is not allowed. You have to be all natural or you cannot be in. Make them give a speech on any topic of judges choice....but they have to write it as part of the competition. Timed...and read allowed. Then we could see how they really think on a subject.
I just don't see the point in the question part of the pageant. What does it show? I just think the pageant needs a makeover....a Big One!! (I'm stepping off my soap box now)

Miss Utah was given what I thought was a perfect question for a women to answer.

Here's the question:
A recent report shows that in 40 percent of American families with children, women are the primary earners yet they continue to earn less than men. What does this say about society?
Here's her answer:
I think we can relate this back to education … and how we are continuing to try to strive … to figure out how to create jobs right now. That is the biggest problem. I think especially the men are seen as the leaders of this and so we need to figure out how to create education better so that we can solve this problem.
Working women everywhere were stunned.  

It was worse when you watch her talk....kinda just makes you cringe a bit.

I think I know what she was trying to say, but it just did not come out right. At ALL

So as it turned out she freaked out on the inside and answered like a cave women trying to explain how to maneuver the space shuttle during entry to the earths atmosphere. So yes...she sounded silly. So do you think she knew she blew it? I am pretty sure she did, and that is why I feel so sorry for her.
I can only imagine what she was saying to herself on her way back to get in line after she answered. What a long walk that must have been for her.

In her defense....this chic is only 21....yes...21. To me all these girls look 30 or better. So when I look at them and their tall and wonderful bodies that they live in...I think that they should be more mature than that. But this girl hasn't even been out in the work force long enough to answer that question. So she screwed just sucks for her that it was on national TV. I am sure she was heart broke over the whole thing. I do hope she didn't lose sleep over it all because in the overall scheme of life's details.....this is pretty small to lose sleep over. Well, at least from my perspective anyway. I'm not the one chasing the crown.
She did get 3rd runner up....which is 4th place in case you didn't know pageant talk. I do wonder where she would have placed had she answered differently.

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