Monday, May 6, 2013

Age Old Tradition

        I did my annual moral gathering on Sunday morning. It seems like I'm good for one day in the woods for this type of hunting and then I tend to lose interest. Moral hunting was instilled in us as children when we would all go out as a family and look for these tasty treats. I still remember those days, because the air was cleaner and the woods were a place to explore and find all the wonderful things that made you even more curious than you were before. We would get on our hands and knees looking underneath all the umbrella weeds looking for morals....I'm not sure why we thought they grew under them...maybe dad just wanted to get us out of his hair for a while while he looked. We didn't care though....we were outside doing stuff that kids should be doing. I'm so glad I didn't grow up in today's age....We didn't have the choice to stay in and play video games because we didn't own one. They didn't even have video table tennis yet. Yeah those were the good ole days. Pack up a sack lunch and head on into the woods for hours at a time. And I don't even remember my feet hurting when it was all over. (Unlike Sundays adventure)

My Dad and my brother Scott and myself went out for about 5 hours and this is what we found:

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So  you would think we were finding gold in order to stay out there for 5 hours and only finding that little few of shrooms. Dad and Scott will go out again a bunch more times before there all gone....but like I said...I lose interest after awhile....I do enjoy being in the woods but my eyes aren't what they used to be and neither is my back or neck or every other muscle in my body....I was beginning to wish I would have brought my blanket to just curl up and have a nap about half way though our escapade. But I figured if my dad was doing this...I could stick it out and do it too.
My brother Scott and my Dad are so darn good at finding these things, I am seriously jealous of this skill. We have this thing we do when we are hunting shrooms....when you find one , you whistle....not a big whistle...just a soft little whistle to tell the others that are with you that you found one. This way your not yelling in the woods..."Hey I found one...and then next thing you know, you are encircled by people as far as the eye can see. :) ( happens...kind of)
But anyways...every time I hear him whistle....I tend to just work my way over next to him and say..."wheres it at.".."I want to see it in the ground so I can get my eyes adjusted". (really I just want to see if theres any more around....I figure if there is one, there must be more.)  Scott says..."its right there"...and points to it. "And theres another one...make that three" he says with a bit of pride in his voice....I seriously got down on my knees and looked for a whole damn minute before I found the first one....and he even pointed it out to me....and hes finding these things standing up from 10 feet away. I usually  find them when I am sitting down resting and then I usually think to myself.....Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.
Sunday was probably my best day hunting black morals. I probably found 11...maybe 12...the rest Scott and Dad found. So I thought I would give you all a test and ow you would do...and trust me when I tell you this is a easy test...but it still may be fun for you. You find the morals in the pictures below. Meanwhile I am going to fry me us some good ole shrooms.
I even enlarged the picture for your viewing but for some reason could not turn them upright so you will need to cock your neck a bit and if it takes you awhile to find might end up with a stiff will actually be like you almost went hunting for them for 5 hours. :)

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