Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Texas Bound!!!  No...not me...I should be so lucky right? I am talking about my daughter Taylor. She is leaving Michigan to pursue her dreams in Texas. I could not be happier for her. She applied for a position as Operations Manager with a company called Life Touch Photography and after a few phone interviews and a trip to Texas (that they paid for) she got the job. She starts on Jan 9th and I know she is just giggity about it. And I don't blame her. A new job sounds pretty darn good these days. Something to look forward to, something new and exciting...a job with advancement opportunities, good benefits, bonuses, ....all I can say is ...its too bad I don't live my life vicariously through my daughters....or do I? Maybe that's why I have been so stressed out lately and full of excitement at the same time. But on the flip side to those exuberant feelings....
We wont be able to see her as much and lets face it...Skyping just isn't the same....I am just a little sad to see her go so far away. We all want our children to fly out of the nest when their wings are ready...and Taylor has done that when she went off to college. But when they start to migrate south...now that's a whole new dilemma that momma bird and daddy bird have to deal with. We wont be there to navigate her when the winds change or when she flies off course a bit. Its a scary thought if you think about it.  But I know that many lil birdies do it and the mommy and daddy birds usually live through the ordeal once they become adjusted and migrate south themselves once or twice. :)

I can already see how mommy bird is going to react once the migration starts...and let me tell you right now...I will have a couple boxes of Kleenex and some ear plugs handy. Kim has always been a hands on Mother Bird. If there is something going on in one of her chicks life...she is all over it and is either asking questions or doing research, or helping out in any way she can....sometimes just flat out doing it for them. So a big change for Mommy Bird is in store. (Thank God for free calls from Verizon to Verizon)
For me...
I will have to just continue doing what I do best...worry on the inside while I live my life vicariously though my daughters.


taylor said...

Dang it! *tears*

I love you <3

Renee said...

She'll have her cousin in Cali! Though we have never met in person... Lol.