Saturday, May 7, 2011

A couple random thoughts of an Ianstein : )

I thought I would put just a couple of my thoughts down because so much has happened in the last couple weeks,,,and as always...I have a opinion on them all. :)

So many of you might have saw clips of the Royal Spectacle Wedding. I for one just don't get why its such a big deal. The amount of money the world spends on this wedding, in both preparation and execution....they could cure World Hunger....or end homelessness in England,I don't know but I'm sure they could do something more worthwhile. I am not a frugal person by no means...nor am I against splurging every now and then.So when I see such a waste I cant help but throw up when I see it, because it just makes me sick. However, I would like to go on record as saying that the princess is a stone cold fox...I mean she is as beautiful as a rose.

So we killed Bin Laden. I am not happy about that. I would have much rather had seen him captured alive. And I am pretty sure that we could have done that had we wanted to. So why didn't we? Was it all for political reasons? Wouldn't it have been nice to have lined up all the people who were directly effected by 9-11 and let them walk by him one by one and give him a wedgie or something? (Yeah I know that he wouldn't be standing after the first person...but you know what I mean.) It just seems like he could have played a more strategic role for us if he was still alive and behind bars. Don't get me wrong...I am not losing any sleep over his death...nor am I sad that a very bad man is gone...I just cant bring myself to rejoice in the fact that we killed someone. It doesn't seem morally right....and like I said..I don't think it was the right move that we could have made. And... I personally don't think that this changes anything on the war on terror. There are plenty of bad men that Hate America and will gladly step up and kill every one of us.

So I am really busy getting Timbers Lupus Walk ready, So my next blog will be about the Lupus walk, and I will  hopefully have pictures to go along with it. I have this week off so I don't stress out about all the stuff that needs to happen and the little time I would have had to get it all done Woot Woot !!  I Love not working.  Until next time....

Peace Out!!


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