Dearly Beloved...we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in Holy matrimony.
Yep...I got to say those words.
I forgot to post about the wedding Kim and I did on December 30th. So here goes.
The rehearsal went well...we ran through it without having to say a word other than just describe to everyone what was going on and when. By the time it was over I seen a whole bunch of totally confused faces so I knew I was finished. :) Sometimes its just best to give them a idea of what is going to happen and that way I can always say "You don't remember going over that in rehearsal?" when things go bad. The rehearsal dinner was really good and I can always tell when the food is going to be good because I cant pronounce it. (and it was) The main course took forever to arrive but I really didn't mind...I'm not sure if it was because of the good company I was in or the Brandy Alexanders I was sipping on. But after three of them it was welcomed with great enthusiasm. I am not sure what was in those drinks...but I do know there was ice creme....I know this by the first brain freeze I got. (Man those hurt)
Kim and I rehearsed our sermons together and in our minds it was funny and full of good advice. So we were ready. I started with the opening statement and the giving away of the bride by her father. After I said..."who "gives this bride to be this mans wife?" He started to just hand her off to the groom until the bride said...You could at least hug me first" ...everyone laughed. and then we were underway.
I spoke first and it went quite well I thought...I am used to getting up in front of people and speaking but for some reason...I was a bit more nervous then usual. I don't think anyone knew except the groom who saw my notebook shaking a bit. Looking back I think I know why....have you ever told a joke and no one laughed? Yeah...that's what I was nervous about. I had a few funny lines and I was afraid that no one would laugh at them. Why didn't I think about that before the wedding?
After my first semi-funny line came out I only heard a few people chuckle so I thought the really funny lines would have them rolling in the isles. I said a few more funny things and I heard a few more chuckles and one person actually laughed out loud. (hey one isn't bad out of a hundred.) So I was just praying that the Joke about Kim not being a good cook would really get them...and it did. Kim came back with a few ad-lib jokes of her own so it was all good. Kim did really well in her delivery of her sermon...she actually got laughs where I didn't think she would. Considering she changed her sermon just the night before...she did awesome.
I had walked over to the side and grabbed my guitar to sing my song. Where I even got more not because I sang bad. It was because of what I sang. I chose to sing Adam Sandlers "I Wanna Grow Old with You" It was a big hit and I think everyone really enjoyed the non traditional theme. (Yes...I ran it across the Bride and groom first) So I sang while they lit the unity candle.
We both shared the ring ceremony and vows.. I said something about what the rings symbolize then Kim gave the ring to the Bride and I gave to the Groom. They both wrote their own vows so all we had to do was do the "repeat after me" thing. The Vows were funny as well in some parts so it kept in theme with the whole ceremony. And the Groom was the only one where I had to repeat what I had said once....(that always happens doesn't it?)
After they exchanged the rings I had the honor of saying those beloved words of "I now pronounce you man and wife....You may Kiss the Bride". Kim and I both introduced the new couple and walked out at the end of the procession.
We signed the Licences and they were officially married.
Not to Brag....okay maybe a just a little... but we had multiple people that we did not know tell us how much they enjoyed the sermon...and I believed them.I felt they were heartfelt and sincere. We have all been to the traditional wedding where you just sit there and enjoy being part of the celebration but not really enjoyed the celebration itself. So Kim and I just wanted to make sure they remembered it and show that you can mix humor with Gods word and have still have a meaningful message. And I think we managed that quite well.
At the reception...I said the prayer before the meal and the food was Fantastic. But the reception was a bit weird (to me anyways) . The bride and Groom were young and the crowd was all my age or older. So the music didn't really fit the crowd. It didn't bother my young at heart wife who would dance to just about anything. Me however...I am white...therefore I don't dance...I am always afraid of being "That Guy" know the one. The old man who dances not that well and looks absolutely ridiculous as he moves about the dance floor to the beat of Jay Z. (I know...I can picture myself as that guy too) But I wasn't...I have learned from my past :) And just so you don't think I'm a total fuddy dud....I did dance with the bride during the dollar dance and my wife during the anniversary dance. (We were fourth from the last to have to leave the dance floor.) We knew we weren't going to win that battle. The brides Grandparents were on the floor and they have been married 51 years. Ahhhh....we should all be so lucky.

To many more Happy Days for the newlyweds.