Monday, July 28, 2014

Summer Lovin


Where have you just upped and gone on me...left me hanging. You didn't even tell me you were going. The least you could have done was said goodbye.
OK so I know that's what you saying to me right now...but seriously I had six good reasons to leave my blog post. S-U-M-M-E-R 

Thought I would update you on my highlights so far...or at least the ones I can remember.

Went on a 4 day golf excursion with my brothers Scott and Dale and some good friends. I hadn't laughed like that in I couldn't tell you how long. Played 108 holes of golf. I now know why people drink when the go on golf trips like that...TO NUMB THE PAIN. And it works too!!  I am looking forward to next year already.

Getting the Garage all finished up. After 20 years of accumulation and straightening up the accumulation only to make more room for more accumulation.....I decided that this was the year I was going to make the difference and just do it. I did not take a before picture but I can only tell you that it would have been quite embarrassing had I did. But here are the after pics.

Also my new job has been going fantastically well. I celebrated my 1 year anniversary in March. I pray to God everyday thanking him for putting me there. Seriously Love it.

Scoped out a new place to watch fireworks this year. Few people and very close and way cool.

Had a family reunion
As you can family loves to have their picture taken.

Took a trip to Savanna Ga. for work.
Funny story about this trip....just not now ;)

And I went to 3 Tigers games.

Saw Tommy LaSorda at one of the games and found out he doesn't wear

Also found out that my wife is afraid of heights...see the look on her face? We were in the upper deck for this one and she could only handle it for 1 inning. She was a trooper though and let me stay until the 6th inning until I went and got her from the lounge and watched the rest of the game from a different location.

The wife and I have done alot together this year...we also re-did the basement floor. (Thus the idea for the garage) Both turned out pretty darn good I think.

So see...I was not just laying around drinking beer and farting on the couch. I was working what my mama gave me.

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