Friday, November 8, 2013

How Big is Yours?

How big is your shell?  I’m talking about the shell you live in. No…I’m not talking about the size of your house either.  I’m talking about your entertainment shell. The shell that is either big or small that you live in and you do your socializing or have fun in. For example…take the internet.  I think that this internet thing is very cool but yet I only explore a miniscule part of it all. I stalk Facebook and my blog and check my mail. And that is about it. But yet I get bored so easy. There is a whole world of new and exciting things on the net but yet because I live in such a small shell I don’t ever explore any new things on it.
But it goes beyond the net…what about what you do for fun?  I work, I come home and eat and sleep and repeat for the most part. But where’s the fun in all that? (Besides the eating part) (Ok and the sleeping part too) The shell I live in doesn’t allow me to travel past the county lines very much for any type of entertainment or socializing. Obviously I could if I wanted to but that is not the life I lead. I like my little shell life for the most part. We go into town and gamble a bit but that is about the extent of our “fun factor” of our daily shelled life.  Please don’t get me wrong here…I am not complaining at all. But in contrast I see people who live in a very large shell and they do so many things. These large shell people always seem to find fun things to do because they are not confined to a small shell.  They will go to where the people are or the fun is.
We pick what shell we live in. But sometimes when you look at the other larger shells and what they encompass….you sometimes can’t help but get a little antsy to think that you might be missing out on some aspects of life.  However, if I look at it truthfully and honestly….I am too damn lazy to live in a large shell. I enjoy having a nice little routine of waking up, drinking my coffee while I play candy crush and do my morning stalk on Facebook.  I enjoy coming home after work and watching late night television on the boob tube. And I also enjoy the company of my wife while we run to town in hopes of winning it big at the gaming place.
So what would I be missing really? The shit I am to lazy to do at home would still be there for me when I got home only I wouldn’t have to spend hours in the car. Maybe one day I may think about expanding my shell….but for now…I am content with the economy size shell I live in. motto has always been...its not the size of your shell that is important, but how you fit in it 

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