Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Book Review

             I have read 2 books in the last couple of weeks. The first one is called "The Cross Roads" by William Paul Young.
          It was written by the author of the #1 Best Seller "The Shack" and also my #1 favorite book of all time. If you have never read "The Shack" you are really missing out on an experience. I know for me....I couldn't put the book down. "The Cross Roads" was alot like "The Shack" but with out some of the splendor in Heaven.It was a little bit of a slow starter but once it got going I found myself waiting in suspense as to what was going to happen next. What I really found interesting in this book is that a man enters a woman's mind and can see things through their eyes. ...yeah...I know...pretty scary right?  :) 

             The other book I read was called "To Heaven and Back".

This book was about a woman (Mary C Neil MD) who was raised in Michigan and drowned in a kayaking accident. She accounts her whole experience from this ordeal and explains what was said to her and why she was sent back from heaven. The book made perfect sense to me and I related to it 100%. She also lost a son and she talks about that too. It didn't really have a big ending or anything but I was more interested in her dieing and her experiences in heaven.

              I am so intrigued by books like this. If someone went to heaven and lived to tell about it....Yeah...I am all ears, or in this case... eyes. I have no idea why I am so fascinated with death, and the crossing over to heaven. I guess because I know that it is going to be something that I really cant imagine...but yet I try to anyway. She described it(and I am paraphrasing)  that it was like watching a 1960 Zentith TV and then all of a sudden your watching a 2014 Sony HD TV. But even that comparison didn't do it justice because ...Everything was more crisp and clearer than you could ever describe. After she was sent back from heaven, and was starting to heal from her injury's, she said that she felt depressed. And I could relate to that statement. I mean one would think that she would be thankful that she was still living but I would think that if you were so close to living eternally in the kingdom of heaven....earth would be like staying in a Motel 6.
              I also really liked the way this author described how people as a whole are connected and we are all a piece of Gods huge tapestry and we are all just little strings in it woven together to make something beautiful . It just made perfect sense to me.

             The author also got a chance to talk to Jesus, and I remember being a little disappointed at my impression of him (from her description of the conversation)  I just always hoped that Jesus would be cool...you know... say stuff like" Dude...you remember when you were so wasted that you called on my father and said you would never ever do that again....Liar." or even...."Ian...I'm afraid you wont be allowed in heaven with those skinny ass legs of yours...just kidding" But instead he was all serious and talking like ...well....Jesus.

So if you enjoy reading...and enjoy books about Heaven...they really don't come better than these.

Oh and just to let you know....I have borrowed 3 books from people including the 2 that I speak of in this blog...and each and every one....I have had to replace because the animals in my house have destroyed them....the puppy got 1 and the bird got 2.....real funny God.

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