A few weeks back I posted about the new job that I had...I appreciated the opportunity at the time but after a month and a half....I was so fed up with the crap that they wanted me to do that I had to quit. I knew I wasn't going to be happy there. And to me...that is so important to me and I wasn't about to settle for just "a job". I wanted to finish my career with the satisfaction of knowing that I loved what I do. After being let go from my job of almost 30 years...I swore to myself that I would find a job that not only challenges me, but also wasn't going to stress me out to my death. (I can find other things to do that) (fun things) (many of them)
The people that work here have a great sense of humor and I could not be happier with that. Working with people that love to laugh just makes the day go by so much faster and makes it so much more fun. I am super excited to start working with the crew I will be supervising. I had a meeting today to meet them all and formally get introduced to them. They each told me stuff about them like what their hobbies are. They ranged from Farmers wife to karate champion, guitar player to truck lover. A interesting group of people for sure.
I am super stoked about this job...so much different than the last one...I feel like I belong here. I know its early to think that but I didn't really feel like that before. So at least its a good sign anyways.
Wish me luck as I start my journey ...Hopefully my last.