I finally got a job !! I started January 14th. The whole job hunting thing was beginning to become a way of life for me. I would wake up in the morning and check the 50 or so mailing lists that I subscribed to and see if there was a perfect fit for me out there. So that took me until noon at least....depending on how many jobs I actually applied for. And then back at the next 50 or so emails around 2 pm ...it seems as though the job hunter web sites like to send them out twice a day just in case you needed something to waste your time with....because it only took me a couple of days before I realized that they were all the same jobs that were in the previous emails. (see...I can learn)
I stopped getting paid at the end of December and by then I was beginning to wonder if a job would ever come my way. Self doubt crept in and I even started to wonder if I was as good as I thought I was at what I do. And then it happened. I got a call from a company looking for a Supervisor for 3rd shift. (I never applied for this job...they saw my resume online) Of course I didn't sound to eager to just jump on this opportunity but I said I would go through the interview process. I had thought that I had done a very good job at the interviews and it made me feel really good that I had done so well....it was a bit of self satisfaction and I think I realized that I missed that satisfaction from doing a good job at something. And for me...my job was what gave me that. (aside from doing laundry, dishes and cleaning at home...that always makes one feel good too...that's what Kim tells me anyway :) I had interviewed with four different people there and it was the first time I had had an interview like that....so yeah....I was pleased. But I was even more pleased when after three days and they called and told me that I had got the job over the other six candidate's that had applied. (winning !!)
I wasn't really thrilled about going to 3rd shift....but the pay was good enough that I couldn't really turn it down at this point. This place is called Meggitt and they had recently bought Thompson Aerospace and Defense, They primarily make Ball screws and Ball nuts for aircraft and the goverment but they also make some weapons components. This stuff if highly technical and its the stuff that I always wondered how they made it. I would tell you more about some of the other stuff but then I would have to kill you :)
So far I am loving it . And the really good part of it is that they have already ask me to stay on the day shift. (Yahoo) I felt bad for the guy who was forced to go to the 3rd shift....but was very happy for myself, (winning again !!) It might take me awhile before I get used to the Union attitude that floats around there but I am hoping to change the culture a bit down the road.
I have been there 3 weeks now and have only had one person call their union representative over on me. But I was right so there was nothing they could do except get back to work. (that will teach him)
There is some really good workers there but just like all places of work....you always have those guys who just want to bitch about something. Ugh...I just hate those types.
Anyway....its a 55 minute drive....which I haven't got tired of yet....it gives me time in the morning to think... and gives me time to unwind on the way home. And it also gives me time to thank God that I am not still looking for a job. So yeah....I'm a WINNER and I now have my MOJO back !!