Last weekend I watched a movie with my wife. It was a movie I had seen before and I had rated it up in my Top Ten favorites. Well... after watching it again I now rate it #1....I know...Im selling out on my old favorite "Armageddon". But it touched me this time more than it did before when I watched it. You may have seen it too..."Pay it Forward" About a 7th grade history teacher who challenges his students to find something that will change the world...and then act on it. One of his students starts the idea of Paying it forward....meaning that you do something for three people (it has to be something that they cant do for themselves) and they in return do something for three other people and so on and so on. The actors are Kevin Spacey, Haley Joel Osment and one of my all time secret crushs...Helen Hunt. (dont tell Kim...its a secret ok) And no...that is not why its my new favorite...its the concept and the ending of the movie is why it my new favorite. And no I would will not tell you the ending just in case one of my readers havent seen the movie. (one of the six) :) But if you havent seen it and your a dreamer like me...I would highly recommend it.
What if?....thats the question I keep asking myself. What if this concept actually took hold in this world?
Can you imagine the good that could come out of it. Every day we could hear about the good things people are doing for other people on the news. Read about the wonderful things that have happened to people in the newspaper and magazines. Our lives would be filled with wonderful news and feelings that would cultivate even more love and generosity in everyone. Look, I know its a bit far fetched because lets face it...people arent always nice and dont always take the time to help people who are in need. I also know it was just a movie...but just...What IF? Sometimes its the small things that can make a huge difference in this great big world we live in.
So I guess now I must find three people to Pay it Forward.
Three people that I can help.
And Kim .....dont get any crazy ideas...sorry.....your still doing the laundry.